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Things to do & remember before your first therapy session
Things to do & remember before your first therapy session
Salma avatar
Written by Salma
Updated over a week ago

Feeling anxious before your first therapy session is normal.

Remember these points to feel more comfortable:

1. Wear comfortable clothes that don't put pressure on any parts of your body that can distract you with discomfort during the session.

2. Make sure you're in a safe room where no one can hear you so you can feel safe while talking & expressing your feelings.

3. Eat a good meal before your session to avoid hunger distractions & keep a cup of water so you can quench your thirst during the session.

4. Remember that crying in sessions is very normal, so keep a tissue box close by.

5. Don't hesitate to tell your therapist to adjust the room temperature or lighting if you're cold or distracted by the light. If your session is online, make sure you adjust the room in advance.

6. Remember that the therapist will never judge you or make you feel bad for your feelings or behaviors.

7. If you can't think of what to say, the therapist can help by asking you questions & giving you prompts. You'll be surprised by how easily the flow will go once you're comfortable.

8. Don't hesitate to tell your therapist if their approach makes you uncomfortable. A good therapist will adjust their strategy for you.

9. You might get discouraged or frustrated when the session ends mid-talking, so remember that therapy is a journey. Keep a note on your phone for things you want to talk about for next time.

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